Dogs see the world through their noses

Did you know dogs’ noses aren’t just for booping? Dogs are really good at smelling. Like, really good.

Your dog's sense of smell is between 1,000 and 10,000 times better than yours. You and I focus on what we see, but our dogs? They focus on the scents flowing through the air.

No more Mr. Anxious Pup!

Playing scent games strengthens your dog's smelling skills and builds their confidence. Sniffing is how dogs process their environment — so getting better at it helps with anxiety and reactivity. It’s kind of like a kid with poor vision getting glasses.

Wagging tails all around

When dogs sniff, they use the biggest part of their brain — burning their mental energy faster. Their heart rate slows and they release dopamine (the “feel good” hormone). This means scent games make your dog more content and happy. It’s science, baby!

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Behind Enrichment for Dogs

Behind Enrichment for Dogs

Why is it important to exercise your dog’s mind? How would you feel if you got up in the morning, went to work, came home, and went to bed every day?...

Behind Enrichment for Dogs

Why is it important to exercise your dog’s mind? How would you feel if you got up in the morning, went to work, came home, and went to bed every day?...

Dogs’ Sense of Smell Defines Their World

Dogs’ Sense of Smell Defines Their World

All dogs sniff stuff. Dogs are known for many things: eating treats, chasing squirrels, and being really cute. Like, really really cute. But dogs are also known for their impressive...

Dogs’ Sense of Smell Defines Their World

All dogs sniff stuff. Dogs are known for many things: eating treats, chasing squirrels, and being really cute. Like, really really cute. But dogs are also known for their impressive...